Monday, October 31, 2011

Only 1 hour, 37 minutes....

I will very shortly be writing my novel. This means that at the current moment, I am panicing and gulping large amounts of apple juice. (we ran out of tea and milk.) I have come to the conclusion that I don't get out enough.

On the bright side, my looming novel-writing-dom has caused me to complete numorous frenzied novel-related stuff. Above is the cover for my novel, which is going to be a mystery set in Colonial Williamsburg. I had a tiny idea of what I intended the cover to look like, so I went ahead and made it, despite my woeful lack of a title.

Anyway, have fun and good luck this November! :D

1 comment:

Zoe said...

AMAZING cover. I simply love how the blue sky is at the flower tops.