Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So I'm about to make a very sad confession. I memorized all the TV shows I'm watching and we've all been lying around, watching the finales. Yes. I repent!

Anyways, last night was the season finale of CASTLE and naturally we had to watch that, even though it started at 10:00, thanks to the time change. There were some funny parts, but mostly it was just serious, which is kinda abnormal for a CASTLE episode. At the end I literally screamed, "NOOOOOO!" (Hence the title) Right after that, I yelled the more characteristic "Dun dun dun duuuunnnnnn," while playing my imaginary organ. ;)

ANYWAYS, on to less boring subjects. I've noticed that my entire family totally loves HGTV, which, when you think about it, is really strange. Normal nine-and-seven-year-old kids generally don't like to spend their time watching people gardening, you know? Also, I realized that they all refuse to eat sandwiches with bread, any Jelly Belly thats dominant color happens to be white.

Also, I'm really missing Beowulf and my scanner. Especially Beowulf. (Cue the sigh...)

And there you go. This week's vacation in a nutshell. Yay!

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