Well, I'm afraid I'm stuck on "insane, about to die 'cause of all the winteryness" mode, so I read the 4rth "39 Clues" book and doodled a lot. Here's a select few of my doodles... the rest have yet to be finished and scanned. :D

This one was drawn for my friend Greta, whom I've mentioned multiple times. It's her character Selena, who's really into astronomy. Greta really really liked my other ink picture (as did everybody else on my Facebook Page... go figure) so I did more black and white.

And here's another person of mine.... she's a minor character in one of my stories. She's named Eleven Conway (Yup, like the number) and she's deaf. She's one of my favorite characters, just because she's so.... colorful. Seriously, the scanner dulled the actual colorfulness. ;)
Also, I've been working very hard on my story. I re-wrote prologue, part two, for the fourth time, officially making it the most edited thing I've ever written. ;)
Oh, I'm just in love with those drawings! I had to enlarge them and look at all the little details. That girl with red hair looks like you might find her on the streets of France, and I don't know why. Good luck on your story!
I'm glad you like them! I agree, she does look like she belongs wandering around in Paris, or something. :)
Thanks about my story... I sure need some luck. ;D
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