What happened? Well, it's BRUTALLY cold here (literally. The high today was 36, and windy.) so I decided to just throw the Wolf out the door and let him back inside after a few minutes, like I usually do when I just really don't want to go outdoors. He just had a bath this morning, so his harness was still soaking, and I didn't want to make him suffer, either. Sadly, this REALLY didn't work in my favor. Beowulf ran off, and so I threw on my coat and boots and went to go find him. For the first time, like, EVER, he didn't bashfully run up the second I walked out. Instead, I was forced to run down the street, calling for him.
He didn't come. A first.
Sooo I ran inside telling Poppy that he was gone. And eventually Poppy, Mommy and I all ended up patrolling the neighborhood in the 22 degree Fahrenheit darkness.
I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Honestly, Beowulf is adorable, but he's very tiny and would be a snack for any strange owl that might be around, and he's definitely not immune to the cold, and he's not exactly known for his thinking ability. I was panicking. And then... Poppy found him, begging to come inside. I nearly broke down and cried.
Anyway, just couldn't help sharing that. I still feel all shaky and everything... whew, I'm so relieved....