Monday, August 30, 2010

My Book Covers

Hey guys! As [some of] you know, I'm a writer. I was bored, so I made covers for some of my stories. (I even made a cover for a story I haven't written yet: the Outsiders book 2... hence the lack of a proper title. XD)
Anyway, I hope you enjoy them. I made them using Google Images and Jasc Paint Shop Pro.

Also, you might want to know that my current assumed name is "Magenta Booker". :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Random conversation between a lot of dragons....

Hey guys! On, I'm writing a chain story with some other person. Just for fun, I wrote this random conversation between the good dragons in the story. They're conversing about one of my friend's stories. :D

Logee: Did you guys read Charlotte's newest chapter in "The New Beginning?"?

Groot: Yes I did. I think that Miss Smith has exceptional writin skills and that her latest installment in her delightful story was truly enjoyable and highly satisfactoy. My only gripe with the story is that the main antagonist takes the form of a dragon-

Trinity (head 2): Oh, be quiet, Groot.

Trinity (head 1): What I MEANT to say was, I read it and I really liked it.

Lekhrish: Ek het dit gelees het nie, duh! Ek kan nie lees nie Engels! Ek kan nog nie praat nie!
(rough translation: I have not read it, duh! I can not read English! I still can not even speak it!)

Logee: Oh, of COURSE you didn't read it, sorry, Lek. Did you read it, Geel?

Geel Oonramya: No way! I don't have time to sit around READING!!

Lekhrish: Julle is vir my so weird.
(rough translation: You guys are so weird.)

Trinity (head 2): You're one to talk.

Trinity (head 3): *bursts out laughing*

Trinity (head 1): What I MEANT to say is, Lek, well, you're weirder than the rest of us put toether! No offence, or anything.

Groot: Acctually, Trinity, I believe that your logic is somewhat flawed. I think that you will find that All of us combined would be infinitely weirder than-

Geel Oonramya: This is boring. I'm going to go do something cool.

Lekhrish: Amen, die suster.
(rough translation: Amen, sista.)

Trinity (head 3): *laughs hysterically*

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Blog

Hello people! Check out my new blog: the Adoxography of Chloe the Aeolist
It's my review etc. blog.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Hello, people, you NEED to check out this video:

Where's Matt?

It's AWESOME!!! :D

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Cool Pictures

Boats or a bridge?

Can you see the face?

Can you see the baby??

Can you find 10 faces in the tree?

Can you find the kissing couple?

I'd like to thank my wonderful Grandmother for showing me these :D

Monday, August 02, 2010


Yesterday Kiki and I went to our local nature park and decided to take a walk, despite the fact that it was about 100 degrees and humid. Unfortunately, we got lost with no phone in the middle of a forest, with a Pomeranian dog and a disgustingly hot water bottle. So we walked and walked and WALKED until we finally came to the main road. Then we walked MORE until we finally came to the lake. We finally managed to get to the lake to see where on earth we were, and there, ALL the way on the other side, was out starting point. It was like, 6 miles away!! We almost passed out at the thought of walking the entire way back. Luckily, we didn't have to. We'd been missing for an hour and a half, so our Mom drove around looking for us, and found us.