Instead of participating in Halloween, our family dresses up for All Saints Day. This time around, we dressed up and then went to our local nursing home to say hi to the elderly. I had fun, but I'm not so sure that St. George/Ben enjoyed himself...

Kievan as Judith, who was some warrior lady in the Old Testament who killed a lot of men..... Kiki did a pretty good job acting like her. The duct tape armor was my doing...

Judith vs. St George..... Judith was winning....

Me as Queen Esther. You can't see it, but my hair was AWESOME!! I was wearing an extension... obviously... but I put this huge string of pearls around it. It looked so pretty. ^^
Anyway, my dress is actually just a sheet.......

Ben as St George. That armor (a Christmas present from family-thanks!) has come is super handy. Last year, he wore it as St. Michael the Archangel....

Allie as St. Therese Little Flower (hence the flowers). The costume was made by our wonderful father out of two black dollar-tree party tablecloths, and one white one. Bonus points for you, Dad!

A.C. was by far the biggest hit at the nursing home. Despite the fact that she had no costume, the little old ladies couldn't stop petting her and asking her questions. She couldn't care less: she just be-bopped around until she finally crashed. This picture was taken post-nursing home. Man, she was out like a lamp!
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