Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Happy Birthday-13 Facts about Me!!!

A little late-My thirteenth b-day was on March 29th, but here are 13 facts about me!!!!

1.) My favorite animal is an octopus.
2.) I love webkinz!
3.) I have 5 siblings.
4.) I have a pet rabbit named Cleopatra who has a double chin, possibly because she ate large amounts of plastic as a baby.
5.) My favorite food is ravioli!
6.) I love greek mythology. (Which explains the fact that I love the Percy Jackson series)
7.) My youngest brother and I are 12 years apart.
8.) When writing lists, I have often leave out numbers with 5 in them. (5, 15, 25, etc.)
9.) My greatest talents are reading, cleaning, and playing tennis on the Wii.
10.) My favorite blog is The Buttonwillow Chronicles.
11.) I love Target and Alltel commercials!
12.) When I go to college, I plan to get an Art Degree and Writing degree so I can become a children's author and illustrator.
13.) I love coming up with names for anything! Webkinz, dogs, horses, anything. I love to name things! (In fact, I have whole lists of cool names for everything from babies, to wolves, to the characters of books.)

Hope you learned 13 interesting things about me!

1 comment:

Joy said...

Wow! Great list,Chloe. I even learned a few things about you! Love, Mom