Here is me wearing my scarf I knitted.

Notice the tassels?

Here is a picture of me knitting.

I've also got a knitting measurer. It's two peaces of green paper taped together. I put my knitting on it every ones and a while and mark down how long it is. I also measure it and white down what the date and time it is. I finished the blue scarf in one day!
Your knitting needles sure do fly!
Hi Chloe,
You don't remember me but I remember playing with you in Shreveport when you were an only child! You were such a sweet and cute little baby (and funny, too) and now you are a lovely young lady. I am very impressed with your knitting and your reading (and your blog)! I love seeing the pictures of you and your sisters and brother. Your whole family is a wonderful role model for my family. I have 3 children now and the oldest, Wilson, is starting 1st grade homeschool next week. I wish your Mama could come teach him for me b/c I know she is a wonderful teacher! Keep up the good work at school and tell your Mom and Pop Hi for me. May God grant you all many years!
Cathy Patterson
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